There are many different quality plan models that you can follow. Which one is right for you depends on several factors. Service organizations require different tenants than a manufacturing group. Muddling your way through Six Sigma, ISO Standards, JCAHO, or a host of other accreditation schemes may leave you disillusioned or worse, defeated. Here at Mountain Skies, we offer you a ray of hope. Starting with your executive team, we bring illumination to the process from the top down. From day one you will have action items and the beginnings of a concrete quality plan by establishing concrete quality goals for your organization.
It may not be rocket science, but it is technical and strenuous. Having someone to help you along the way will offset any cost you may incur. Your employees will know what is expected of them, and you will gain confidence as you see the quality plan initiatives beginning to have quantitative form. In fact, just by reading this and deciding you need quality systems, it itself an act of quality improvement. You can call it what you will; total Quality Managment, Continuous Quality Improvement, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, or even Let’s Get Better at What We Do Daily, they all mean the same thing. We as a company will review how we do things to make sure we get better at doing those things.
There are actually 3 levels to every quality plan and the documentation that follows:
Level 1 of the Quality Plan: The quality manual which will take direction from internal sources as the strategic plan, corporate policies and procedures, and the company mission, vision, and values.
Level 2 of the Quality Plan: Will ensure that any external factors are taken into consideration such as regulatory requirements, governmental policies, laws, and industry self-management practices. In other words, making sure you are covered in case of any external review.
Level 3 of the Quality Plan: Contains the step-by-step working documents or work instructions. How do we do something so that it gets done right, and where along the process do we introduce checks to make sure we are.