Strategic Planning

The Strategic Plan Process begins when those in leadership decide that it is necessary to define a vision for the future. This can be in the form of (though not limited to) a business deciding on a new product to take to the market, reviewing the impact of a competitor, or simply a company trying to bring focus to a myriad of possible paths.

The process is generally defined as follows:


Strategic Plan | Mountain Skies Business Consulting | Rolla, MissouriTypically one to four things will be required prior to the start of the Strategic Plan meeting; a SWOT and/or PEST Analysis, Development of Mission/Vision/Values Statements, and/or Focus’ Groups recommendations. These items will be used to set a foundation of what directions are possible or necessary.


Using the items developed in the Analysis section, the group will move into sessions that will bring definition to a Practical Vision. By examining possibilities weighed against probability, a real-world list of items will be created. A consolidation of the Practical Vision into Strategic Directions help define to everyone the vision to which the company aspires.

Team Development

Teams are then determined and populated with personnel.

Tactical Plan Task Development & Team Recommendations

The teams then meet with the goal of making the recommendation as to the individual tasks and timelines, assigning the person or teams that will be responsible to implement that portion of the Tactical Plan. The team should return to the group a specific Tactical Plan Task Report for approval and implementation.


Once the initial team recommendations are approved by the strategic team, the tasks are passed out to the appropriate assignees and every 90 days the goals are reviewed in a strategic plan review process. To further work the goals into the company mindset, individual goals can be placed on employee job descriptions for review at evaluation time.

FREE Strategic Planning Resource Downloads for this Process:

  1. Strategic Process Chart
  2. Ice Breaker Examples
  3. Strategic Plan Process Agenda Example
  4. Example Practical Vision
  5. Strategic Directions Example
  6. Practical Vision Template Slides Part 1
  7. Practical Vision Template Slides Part 2
  8. Team Assignment Example
  9. Tactical Plan Task Development Example
  10. Tactical Plan Task Recommendations Example

Call 573-465-4216 Today to Start Your Strategic Plan Process!

Created and Maintained by John Wright.
